In spring time you can visit the non- profit Festival “Freekuency” in Portugal. Following article is about the idea and the thoughts of Freekuency team to run a non – profit Festival. Balanace between money income and external costs is always a challange. Different types of music ceates the special character of Freekuency Festival.
Interview Freekuency Team
Over the years Freekuency Festival becomes more popular. All musicians are playing for no money and there is a differnet kind of motivation spreeding over the area. The people can pay as entry what they want. It’s based on trust, that those who can give money give and the others try to give something different to Festival.
The culteral diversity enrich the athmosphare and the vibe of the people there. New friendships grown, the culteral exchange is inspiring – money is no border.
Thank you for make this possible! Have a look for this great pictures from Letox (We are one Photography) of Freekuency Festival 2018!
Read more about Freekuency Festival on their webpage.