Interview with Primitive Tribal Craft

Can you tell us a little bit about the idea behind Primitive Tribal Craft and how it became what it is today? How did you get started?

I grow up in the mountains (alps) like a farm boy between woods and fruit vegetable fields…

Design and quality is in my culture… like organised german design culture…

With 16 I left my family house…

So i had to start seriously to design my life… with 19 i started to travel around the round ball (world, earth) pacha mama however you will call her…

What is your recommendation for young creative people? Do you have any kind of hint for them to make their life easier?

My most values in life what is very important for me is family, health and wild, local food (organic) and great spirit for all living existence…

The wisdom of craftsmanship is obviously visible in your designs and detailed elements. Can you tell us a bit more about the techniques you are using?

The ideas from the clothes and jewellery new designs come from nomad lifestyle… after seeing, feeling, living, meeting so many people, countries, cultures the last 17 years i get ideas, inspirations mostly all the time…

Their uniqueness is all created from mother earth… mostly we try to support art ,stuff what is created by hand, so i believe to work in that direction keeps the energy in a positive good creative flow

no factories… in the end quality always wins…

What is your recommendation for young creative people? Do you have any kind of hint for them to make their life easier? If you could change on specific thing in the world in an eye blink – what would you change?

I think that energy receise primitive customers… i think the natural cloth is made for everybody, special for people they are aware of themselves and their environment around them to live in harmony and peace in our magic beautiful world…

my mostly challenge in my life? i think to leave my blood family, country where i grew up. for to see, feel the big picture of this planet earth and to experience all this magic adventures, journeys of my traveling in my past… meeting people and communities in many ways of lifestyles.

Is there any special message you wanna send out here?

Everything is nothing and nothing is everything… find the middle.

Life is an echo……
What u sent out, comes back…
What u sow, u reap…
What u give, u get…
What u see in others, exists in you…
Remember, life is an echo.
It always come back to you.
So give goodness.

We r one….
Love peace and magic
Jah bless

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Primitive Tribal Craft @ freakulized

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About Markus

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